milk-to-meat discipleship




“For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the basic principles of the oracles of God. You need milk, not solid food, for everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, since he is a child. But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.” Hebrews 5:12–14



Growth from “milk” to “solid food”


“By this time, you ought to be teachers”



When are the semesters?

The 3 semesters are FALL (Labour Day to Christmas), WINTER (New Year to Easter) and SPRING (Easter to Canada Day)

What are the modules?

The modules are as follows:

  1. CHRIST: Beholding our Saviour
  2. ABIDE I: Transforming the heart
  3. ABIDE II: Renewing the mind
  4. CONNECT: Loving one another
  5. SHARE I: Being equipped to make disciples
  6. SHARE II: Going to make disciples

Each semester, your group will on one of these modules, using a corresponding study.

What is the core content behind each module?

1. CHRIST: Beholding our Saviour
God -> Sin -> Christ -> Response
– Gospel is news, not advice. Gospel is neither moralism nor relativism
– Person and Work of Christ

2. ABIDE I: Transforming the heart
– Man as worshipping being
– Idols of the heart
– Gospel Transformation vs Behaviour Modification

3. ABIDE II: Renewing the mind
– Spiritual Disciplines
– How to read and interpret the Bible
– How to pray
– Sysstematic Theology

4. CONNECT: Loving one another
– God’s design for the church
– Distinctiveness of the church
– Biblical one anothers

   – Ordinances (Baptism and Lord’s supper)

5. SHARE I: Being equipped to make disciples
– How to have gospel conversations and share your faith
– How to integrate faith and work
– How to live a life of mercy

6. SHARE II: Going to make disciples
– Going to sleepy Christians (through hosting classes)
– Going to nominal Christians (through invitation and outreach events)
– Going to non-Christians (through relational evangelism)

Will every small group be at doing the same module each semester?

No. During each semester, we expect and hope that each group will be at different stages in the discipleship lifecycle.